BAY-Peace began as an independent social justice youth leadership program in 2007. When we started our goal was to mobilize Oakland youth as part of the “truth in recruiting” movement to counter aggressive military recruitment that targets low income youth of color. Over time, we've broadened our focus to respond to the many critical issues raised by youth in the community, including police brutality, gentrification, mass deportations and incarceration, etc. We have continued to expand our analysis of structural violence and institutional racism to expose the many interconnected forms of militarism that disproportionately impact youth of color through wars at home as well as abroad
MissionBAY-Peace offers holistic leadership programs where we empower Bay Area youth to transform and heal from militarization, systemic violence and intergenerational trauma.
visionWe envision a world where youth voices are uplifted through creative expression and holistic education to promote their Transformation, Healing and Wellness.
We encourage youth to use artistic expression as an essential tool for healing and transformation.
We practice authenticity while engaging in vulnerable and educational conversations that help us collectively heal and build consciousness.
We center youth leadership to ensure that programs and campaigns build their agency.
Our decision making process actively engages all members at the table with the most impacted at the forefront. We aim to build consensus and reflect the input of our base, members and constituents.
As historically marginalized people, we rehumanize ourselves and others by treating everyone honorably and respectfully under any and all circumstances.